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Adherence to the ABI protocol for reducing the impact of low-value transactions via POS.

Home | Adherence to the ABI protocol for reducing the impact of low-value transactions via POS.

On July 28th, the signing of the “Protocol on the mitigation, greater comprehensibility, and comparability of the costs of accepting electronic payment instruments” was officially confirmed between the MEF and the ABI. This Protocol originated from a working group that, as early as last February, was initiated among the interested categories to evaluate solutions to mitigate the impact of the costs of electronic transactions valued up to 30 euros on merchants, artisans, or professionals with an annual turnover not exceeding 400,000 euros. In order to respond to the provisions of the Protocol of Understanding, it was decided to further strengthen this benefit through a dedicated commercial promotion and increased competitiveness on transactions up to 10€. In particular, in addition to what is already provided, it will be possible to offer an additional rebate of 10 bps (15 bps in total) for transactions up to 10€ conducted on both domestic and international networks.