Solution Bank main sponsor of the event dedicated to curators and lawyers in Milano Marittima

January 2022

On Friday 8 and Saturday 9 October, Solution Bank was the main sponsor of an event, dedicated to accountants and lawyers, which took place in Milano Marittima, in the splendid setting of the Hotel Premier & Suite.

During the two days, organized by the Foundation O.d.c. Ravenna and the Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, opened by the G.D. of the Court of Ravenna Dr. Paolo Gilotta and managed with the valuable collaboration of the Judge of the Court of Ravenna, Dr. Alessandro Farolfi, were addressed several interesting issues around the title of the initiative “From the emergency Covid-19 to the new insolvency law: the tortuous path towards the Code of the crisis”.

For the occasion, on behalf of Solution, , Co-Head Specialized Lending, took the floor to illustrate the positive evolution of Solution Bank, the activity of the investment team, highlighting the numerous operations carried out assisted by public guarantees, the pre-deductible finance in support of preventive agreements in continuity and the purchase of distressed credits.


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