Credit of Romagna NPLS 2018 Securitization
Information Regarding the Operation
Transfer of Credits
On October 31, 2018, CREDITO DI ROMAGNA S.p.A. (“CDR” or the “Assignor Bank”) entered into a credit transfer agreement with POP NPLS 2018 S.r.l. (the “Buyer”) pursuant to and for the purposes of Articles 1.4 and 7.1 of the Securitization Law (the “Transfer Agreement”). Under the Transfer Agreement, the Buyer purchased, on a non-recourse basis, a portfolio of credits arising from loans held against debtors classified as distressed (the “Portfolio”). In accordance with Article 7.1, paragraph 6, of the Securitization Law, notice of the transfer was given by registering it in the Treviso-Belluno Business Register (competent for the Buyer) and publishing it in the Official Gazette Part II No. 130 of November 8, 2018, as follows: Official Gazette. At the following link: List of Transferred Credits, you will find the list of customer codes related to the credits transferred within the scope of the transfer. Customers who wish to receive formal confirmation from the Bank regarding the transfer of their credit claims to the Buyer can request it freely at The Buyer has appointed Cerved Master Services S.p.A. (the “Servicer”) to act on its behalf and for its account, as the entity responsible for collecting credits under Law 130/99. The Servicer will handle, among other things, the collection and recovery of amounts due in relation to the mentioned Portfolio.