FEI and Solution Bank provide 50 million euros for Italian PMI and Small Midcaps under the InvestEU Fund program. Solution Bank and the European Investment Fund (EIF) have signed an agreement for 50 million euros aimed at supporting Italian SMEs and Small Midcaps in the thematic areas of “Innovation and Digitalization” and “Sustainability.” The loans, both short-term and medium-to-long-term, are backed by a guarantee (covering 70% of the financed amount) provided by the FEI, with a maximum amount of 7.5 million euros. Solution Bank will be able to provide InvestEU-guaranteed financing for a period of 3 years (until March 2026). The InvestEU Guarantee is available to all businesses and organizations that fall within the definition of PMI or Small MidCaps (up to 500 employees). The purposes can include (i) Investments in tangible and/or intangible assets; (ii) Working capital/liquidity; (iii) Transfer or acquisition of business units. For more information, please contact your local branch.
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